
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

In a Nif-Tea Mood for Reading

Today's a snow day for me, which allows me to get some reading in. And perfect timing. I got my tea delivery yesterday. Yes, you read that right. My tea delivery. I get a lot of things delivered. Books (naturally), gifts, clothing, coffee, and...tea. 

My daughter turned me on to the Republic of Tea when she went away to school a few years ago and needed her tea fix on a regular basis. I would send her shipments with new flavors and some of them sounded so good, I had to try them for myself. A few sips of Caramel Apple and Pomegranate Vanilla, and I was hooked. So, yes, every month, my girl (now living home again) and I sit with the catalog, fight over the free sample that comes with it, and try to limit ourselves to no more than six flavors per order. It's not easy. They have black tea, green tea, red tea, white tea, herbal tea, and matcha. There's oolong, rooibos, and decaf. Loose tea or bagged. The possibilities are endless! Last month, they started a Downton Abbey collection with specific teas and flavors based on the popular television show. It's enough to make an Anglophile dizzy.

This time around, we grabbed the usual Caramel Apple for me, along with a Kiwi Pear and a Caramel Vanilla; she opted for Goji Raspberry, Chamomile Lemon, and Vanilla Apple Hibiscus. 

I have separate love affairs with tea and coffee. Coffee is my writing beverage. It's an adrenaline rush, a jolt that gets my creative spark awake and sends my fingers flying over the keys. Tea is my reading beverage. It's a slower, settling-in drink. There's something comforting in a cup of tea and a good book--especially when it's cold outside and I'm toasty warm inside. The word "cozy" leaps to mind.

So, yes, while the snow swirls and the wind howls outside, think of me, cozy in front of a roaring fire, a cup of caramel apple tea by my side, my current book open on my lap, a cat purring beside me. Now, if only I could get my husband to wear a waistcoat...


  1. Not having much affinity for tea except Tazo Iced Green Tea with which I am obsessed, I am intrigued by combinations you mentioned. Needless to say right after this, I am off to the world of online search to find some to try. My marketing mind tells me that tea could be a good give-away at a book signing paired with something related to the book. Like a card saying "Relax with some Caramel Vanilla Tea and join (heroine's name) as she stumbles upon the man of her heart despite her best efforts to never make the same mistake again" tucked inside the book you've just signed.

  2. I've actually done this! Well...sort of. I've created baskets with cookies and flavored teas to match my heroes and heroines, along with their books. And there's a whole line of chocolate teas that would be right up Zelda Benjamin's alley! (Hint!)

  3. I'm sipping Tangerine Orange Zinger as I read this - a good morning tea. I have to have a cup of Sleepytime before I go to bed every night. I just get them from the supermarket - never thought of having tea delivered. It sounds like the ultimate in pampering. Enjoy your day.

  4. I've always said that I don't like tea - no kind of tea. Maybe the problem is that I haven't tried the right flavor.

  5. We mostly drink English Breakfast Tea made in Israel. LOL

  6. How fun! We only recently discovered fruit teas that require steeping. We love our new little kettle with tea basket. It feels very formal - a destination.
