
Monday, March 31, 2014

A Classic And Cozy Read

When the weather reports forecast more ice and snow for the weekend, one of many this winter, I searched for a book to read. It’s no trouble. My TBR stack is past knee high, but this time I wanted to read a book by an author on the blog. 

After viewing several books, I chose Beaded to Death, but the options were amazing. Cowboys, yum. Brides galore. Senior homes, mistaken priests, radio announcers, wedding planners, chefs, clutter organizers, regency heroines and dandies, and sleuths. On a previous snow day, one female sleuth was such a good read, I downloaded the second book, immediately.

 Bring on the winter weather. Despite needing to finish a submission by a deadline, and finish the edits on a just completed first draft, I start reading about beads, murder and mayhem.
But alas, the weather forecaster was mistaken. The predicted ice and snow missed us by about fifty miles, and the usual weekend activities resumed. My latest reading pleasure will have to wait. It’s there, on the e-reader, the page I started wondering.

What makes a reader choose the books they read? Selecting only romance, mystery, westerns or historical novels limits exposure to some wonderful authors, yet on a regular basis, we spot a book that looks interesting, and move on without making a purchase.

Think what marketing wizards we could be if we figured out why. I admire those who only read classics, but it gives me a cozy feeling to read a book written by an author I know. Do we blame this habit on social media, or just the need to feel safe? We are often encouraged to ‘think outside the box’, so I am making a conscious effort to include books by writers on this blog to my reading list. So far it has been a treat. I’ve discovered some real jewels.

     Speaking of jewels...another week passed since I started writing this post, and forecaster is warning of the possibility of severe weather for later today. Bring out the books. The ereader loads to right page in Beaded To Death...

  So, we are, in the age of instant gratification, except when it comes to controlling the weather. How do you choose the books you read?


  1. Great post Carol. It's truly a case of "so many books - so little time." I love reading books written by people I know.

  2. I wish I knew what makes a reader pick up a particular book. I guess we just have to write the stories we have in our heads and hearts and hope those who do reach for them will come back for more.

  3. I choose books by the cover. I know! I own it! I'm a visual person - and I have some of the worst covers out there, but there you have it. I pick up a book based on the cover. I judge it by the content.

  4. I agree, Kay! And I love Corie McKenna! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Good to see you, Kathye! I totally agree with you, but...
    And that 'but' is the biggie, isn't it!

  6. LOL, Sofie! I am so guilty! Stunning cover gets me every time. Then the blurb...and the last page! Ouch, felt the darts all the way over here, but I have to know the end, else, why care about the beginning?
    So glad you shared!

  7. I'm often lured by a cover, especially those pretty scenic or homey ones that you just want to walk right into.

    Sometimes it's a crackling premise -- what the heck WILL the protagonist do with this pickle of a situation?

    Sometimes it's the fantasy of a magical situation ... the lure of an honorable hero (I do like the nice guys) ... or a relatable heroine who sounds like she's walked a mile in my shoes.

    In short, probably a different reason for every day of the year. Which makes life really hard, because I don't read nearly fast enough to keep up!

  8. Hi Sierra,
    Speak of luring...your new book cover does a great job. Congratulations!
    And that is the problem with marketing, isn't it. A different reason for every day, every person, and every book...but like you say, 'never give up'!

  9. I also am very drawn to the cover art. No pun intended!! Lol A good cover will draw my eye and peak my interest. I think it makes a huge difference. I also read the right up and it has to sound like a story that I will enjoy. I also look at reviews but don't always go by that. Everyone has their own opinions and expectations. Some people pick a book apart to death!!!,

  10. Hi Ezreader,
    I agree the cover grabs you first, but keeping the reader is what we want!
    Glad you stopped by, please come again!

  11. Hi there, Carol. Great post-got me thinking really hard! I'm drawn by the title, the premise and the cover in varying order-depending on how I'm feeling on the day! I know, very strange. If I really enjoy the story, I'll look for that author again, regardless of the above. xx m

  12. Author. Author. Author. If I've liked one book, I will read others by that author. I'm a Classics junkie, in all eras and genres. But, in the long run, it's the story. Without story and characters, even the best authors can't hold my interest.

    1. Yes ... the AUTHOR should go without saying! Thanks for pointing out a very important part in the decision.

      Some people don't pay attention to the writer's name ... or the singer's name, if it's a favorite song ... and that bewilders me. A good artist should have us all wanting to know where to come back for more!!

  13. Hi Margie!
    I'm the same way. I've bought by title...there are some great one. Premise can be the key as well, but you are so right...the story and characters really count. So happy you dropped by... Please come again!

  14. Leigh,
    I look for my favorite authors as well, but that isn't always a success. You are so right about story and characters being the secret. Every great book has wonderful characters. So what are some of your favorite classics?
