
Monday, April 28, 2014

Morning Person or Night Owl?

Do you start your day before the sun comes up or do you end your day close to the time the morning paper is delivered? Human beings are all so different. Many get into a routine because of the hours their jobs demand, but most of us tend to form daily routines that jibe with our body’s functions.

If you’re a morning person as I am, your energy level is highest in the wee hours of the day. You might find yourself already reading your paper and drinking your coffee before the sun comes up. Are you eager to get your routine started? Does your mind start churning before your feet hit the floor? Have you ever dressed to go shopping, then realized that the stores aren’t open yet? Well, then, I don’t have to tell you—you’re a morning person.

I have friends who are on my schedule, and I know if the phone rings before 7 am, it can only be a couple of my acquaintances. They understand me when I tell them that I woke up at 4:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep. They don’t laugh or think I’m ready for the loony-bin.

On the other hand, I have friends who sleep late, drag through the morning, and get their spurt of energy in the afternoon – when I’m on my downward spiral. My brain stops working in the early afternoon. My body longs for a short, 15-minute power nap. I’m ready to slow down and unwind. It amazes me that these “night owls” choose to do their important chores after the noon hour.

As my husband says, it would be a boring world if we were all alike. Luckily, he too is a morning person so we have managed to go through our 43 years together in the “same time zone.” I have to wonder how couples manage to live together in harmony when they are on different body routines.

What are you? Does the rising sun signal that you can hop up and start your day, or does the rising sun tell you that it’s time to go to bed?

Morning person or night owl? Whatever you are, enjoy your day!

Fran McNabb is a retired English and journalism teacher who now lives on a quiet bayou harbor with her husband. Her love of the English language prompted her to pen sweet, engaging romances, most of which are set along her native coastline. When not writing, she loves visiting with her two sons, their wives, and her two grandsons.


  1. Hi Fran,
    I'm with you! Sunrise is so beautiful. We like to quote John Wayne, "Burning daylight" when we're off to a slow start. Just don't let that phone ring...

    1. Carol, it's nice to see others welcoming the sun in the morning. As I get older, I seem to get up earlier and earlier. At least I can turn on my computer and write even when the morning paper hasn't gotten here yet!

  2. Have to confess, I'm a night person, though I'm becoming less so as I get older. I always envy morning people. You seem to get so much done.

    1. Sandy, I have friends who are night owls and it's so hard to keep up with them. Our neighbors visit often and when it's after nine, we have one who asks if it's time for him to leave!

  3. My mother said I popped out of the womb with chronic insomnia. I'd be the one at the slumber party still wide awake and going strong. My energy level ramps up about 5PM and goes until 5AM; then I crash.

    1. Oh, Loretta, I can't imagine doing anything constructive after 5 pm. And going to bed at 5 am??? That's when I'm getting up. Humans are so funny!

  4. Definitely a night person. I try to get in some writing every night after dinner. Does not always work out though

    1. As I just told Loretta, I just can't imagine doing anything at night. In a pinch around deadline times, I have had to sit at the computer but those times take me twice as long to do anything!

    2. Hi Fran, I'm with you--a morning person. Four- thirty is just a tad too early for me, but my cats often see to it that I start my day then anyway!
