
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Are Your Windows the Windows to Your Soul?

by Victoria M. Johnson

Victoria M. Johnson Classic & Cozy blog post

I used to take my windows for granted. They were just the square glass fixtures in every room of our house. Sometimes I even remembered to give them a good scrub to help maintain their luster. But recently a neighbor friend came over for coffee and she remarked about the nice "view" from the living room windows. 
"You have the same view," I said. She lived next door, after all.
"But it's brighter and more cheerful from in here," she replied, glancing out wistfully at the rows of garbage cans we all put out for collection the next day.
She clearly was seeing something different than what I was seeing. I pressed for an explanation. "What's different about it?"
"Your windows are much larger, I think. And your flowers frame the bottom so nicely. Maybe the sun hits your house at a different angle or something," she said.
None of those perceptions were true. Our windows were the same size. She had blooming flowers under her windows, too. And the sun certainly didn't shine brighter on our house. After my neighbor left, I thought about her windows in her living room.
Hers had blinds that she sometimes kept shut and she had lovely, but heavy, curtains that hung at each side of her windows. I suppose those choices would make them appear smaller and would block sunshine from coming in. They hindered her looking out and I wondered if they also affected her mood.

It occurred to me that perhaps our windows are doing more than we realize. 

Is it possible we're unknowingly blaring out to the whole world our temperament, our personalities, and quirks? Are we also influencing our personalities? Let me know if you think I'm way off base. But first, take a look below and see if any of these "windows" fit you.

This European window has no barriers to the outside world. Everything and anything comes in: sunrays, scents and noise, insects; and things going on inside may be seen or heard out. I imagine a free spirit would adore these windows.

These windows let the sun shine in. They're ideal for looking out at nature, children playing in the yard, and seeing what's beyond the walls of your house. A woman comfortable with others looking back, seeing a bit of her inner world would like these windows.

This room looks most like my neighbor's. It's elegant and formal with inviting windowseats. But not much is visible unless you're sitting in the windowseat. This arrangement encourages a contemplative personality to sit and think.

You knew this was coming. Cat ladies, you know who you are, a home isn't a home without a cat lounging in your window. The window stays closed for practical reasons but you take pleasure in seeing your companion enjoying the weather and goings-on outside. 

Okay, let's face it, some people put up a brick wall both figuratively and literally. Would you say this house belongs to someone who wants to be left alone or someone who's busy and rarely home? I suppose it depends on if these blinds are ever opened. Either way if I were the neighbor I wouldn't stop over for a cup of coffee unless specifically invited.

Did I mention the ambience of my friend's living room fit her personality? She's private, formal, and reflective, among many other nice traits. What are your windows saying about you?
Victoria M. Johnson knew by the time she was ten that she wanted to be a writer.  She loves telling stories and she's happiest when creating new characters and new plots.  Avalon Books and Montlake Romance published Victoria's fiction debut, The Doctor’s Dilemma, (A 2012 Bookseller’s Best double finalist).  Her other fiction book is a collection of romance short stories titled, The Substitute Bride. She is also the writer and director of four short films and two micro documentaries.   Visit Victoria's website at for inspiration and tips and find her Amazon author page or connect with her on Pinterest and Twitter.


  1. You are correct. Our windows do reflect our personalities. Both by what we use to cover them and by how we accent them. Much like our books. Our book covers reflect our choice of content and therefore our interests. Great thought provoking post

    1. Hi Kathye--
      I'm pleased you see the connection, too! Great analogy to our book covers--you are right about that :-)

  2. I agree, Victoria. How we dress our windows does reveal a lot about us. Personally, I like my windows as open as possible so all the light can come in - and so I can see what's going on outside.

    1. Hi Sandy--
      We're a lot alike. That's how I prefer my windows, too!

  3. Fun post! I like mine open - which drives my mother batty. She hates coming over in the evening, when it's dark and she can't tell if someone is outside looking in. (BTW, they're not, and if they are, they would only see happy people enjoying a card game or dinner.)

    1. Hi Sofie--
      Fun comment! You'd be a fun neighbor to have :-)

  4. What a very insightful post! Love it! As long as my windows are clean, I love to have the blinds up and the sun streaming in!

  5. Hi Jayne--
    I'm pleased you enjoyed the post. I agree about letting the sun shine in!

  6. Very interesting post! I love the first window with the shutters - can't resist them at all, particularly when the sunlight is making such a nice pattern when it comes through them.

  7. Hi Beate--
    Yes, I agree, those are lovely windows!
