
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A New Day

by Sandra Wilkins

            The sparkling new year is upon us like a bright, shiny quarter ready to spend or save—depending on your sensibilities.  With resolutions already falling to the wayside, I was reassured when I came across this quote by L.M. Montgomery from Anne of Green Gables:  “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes yet?” 

            I think it’s a wonderful thing to imagine every day that way.  Each day is a pristine start.  There is a reason to wake up in the morning.  It’s fresh, with no mistakes or problems.  We can choose what to make of it.
            For some, the new year ahead seems to loom over them like a giant wave that’s about to crash onto them and sweep them away into the bottomless ocean.  I would hope that those people would see themselves swimming to the beach, trudging across the soft sand and scrambling up the cliffside.  From atop that glorious perch, the world seems brighter.  It seems possible to soar in the clouds with the birds again. 
            Whether your life seems like one big mistake or you just had a bad day today, I hope you can see tomorrow as a clean start with hope for the future—one day at a time.  

            Sandra Wilkins is busy writing another series while home educating her two daughters.  Ada’s Heart, Rose’s Hope and Gwen’s Honor are her first three published wholesome historical romances.  Go to to find out more about her and her books. 



  1. I love this, Sandra. Off to share on my Facebook page.

  2. Nice post, Sandra. I love the L. M. Montgomery books. I so identified with Anne when I was growing up. She was one of the many literary characters I always felt I could confide in. Creating a character that real is the mark of a real writer.

  3. Positivity is contagious. Love the outlook on each day.

  4. Hmm...I love the quote, but rather than focus on "mistakes," I think I'd prefer to say it's a new day with new opportunities. Yes?

  5. A refreshing perspective for this new year! Thanks for sharing...

  6. I too am a big fan of the Anne of Green Gables series. I still use the term "kindred spirit" as often as I can. In fact you have made me want to reread since I haven't done so as an adult. That will certainly put a positive spin on 2015 for me. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. I'm a fan of "Tomorrow is another day." -Scarlett O'Hara (Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell) We all need our second chances and thankfully, we can start anew. Lovely post. Just what I needed this evening!

  8. Great post, Sandra. I LOVE Starting Each New Day With A clean slate. I too enjoyed Anne of Green Gables growing up.

  9. Hi Sandra--
    I LOVE this quote! Thanks for sharing your hopeful outlook.
