
Friday, March 13, 2015

Getting To Know Us with Tracey Lyons

Okay, inquiring minds want to know…why a writer? Certainly not for the fame and fortune…or maybe it is. 
I’m a writer because I’ve always liked to play make believe. Even as a little girl every one of my dolls and stuffed animals had a back story! I know a lot of writers when asked this question answer with something along the lines of; “I can’t imagine myself not writing.” For me it is the same. Except when I’m not writing I use my creativity in other outlets such as cooking and redecorating my home.

When did you first put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to create your classic and cozy characters? 
I started writing my first novel in 1983 on a typewriter I’d purchased several years before at a local office supply store. I had lots of paper and those little jars of Whiteout on my desk. I’m so glad we get to use laptops now!!

Do you have a set writing schedule? 
I prefer to write in the morning hours. I like to do my new scenes then and later in the day I edit or handle the business portion of my career.

Is there a certain routine, food/drink, or location that summons forth the muses for you? 
I wish I could say that I start my day with an inspirational walk on the beach…unfortunately because I live inland in the Northeast there is no beach. I’m finding that doing Yoga has helped calm my thoughts and open my mind to new ideas and creativity. And drinking a glass of wine is always good for awakening my muse! But when I’m stuck on a scene I find that sorting through paperwork or reorganizing my office space usually helps to free my thoughts. 

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? 
I love spending time with my grandchildren and I will confess that I’m a bit hooked on the slot games on my new Kindle! I love to watch the cooking networks and then try to recreate the recipes in my own kitchen. 

I imagine you’ve been reading all of your life (all great writers have.) What was your favorite book as a child? 
I loved my Mary Poppins book and the T’was the Night Before Christmas book with the Grandma Moses illustrations. 

Do you re-read books?  
I don’t normally re-read fictions books. One of my favorite reads is actually a non-fiction booked called Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil. I’ve re-read this book several times. I so enjoy the depiction of the infamous Savanah murder because it reads like a good old-fashioned suspense novel.

But there’s more to life than reading, writing (and arithmetic)…what is your most memorable adventure in your life? 
I would have to say when I went snorkeling off the coast of Key West! This was no easy feat considering that I don’t know how to swim and I thought we’d be in shallow water. Imagine my surprise when the captain of the boat took us out to a reef and I plunged into the warm blue water only to find myself dangling off the deep end with nothing more than a skimpy life vest and a blue water noodle to keep me afloat. Realizing my feet did not touch the soil was horrifying! But I can honestly say that I was brave enough to do something so far out of my comfort zone and I’m proud that I did it. Would I do it again? No way!
 If you were on American Idol, what song would you sing to WOW! the judges? 
“Stand By Your Man.” 

Catch more of Tracey Lyons the last Thursday of every month here on the Classic and Cozy Blog.  

For a complete list of Tracey’s books click on over to her website
And be sure follow her on Facebook


  1. Thanks for letting us get to know Tracey a little better.

  2. Nice interview, Tracey. When I read these, I'm always struck by how different we all are - and yet alike in so many ways too. Hats off to you for snorkeling when you can't swim. That was brave indeed.

  3. Forgot to say - love your new cover.

  4. Hi Tracey--
    Great interview. I love that all your stuffed animals and dolls had a backstory! An early sign of the writer you became :-) Love your new book.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey there! sorry I missed this post. I was traveling when it was posted.Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments.Yes, snorkeling was a once in a lifetime in I'll never do it again!!
