
Monday, March 23, 2015

Never too Late by Fran McNabb

            Springtime is a time of renewal and change. If you’ve been thinking about doing something
different, maybe this is the time to start.
            Maybe your job is at a dead end. Maybe you’d like to play a musical instrument or take art lessons. Maybe you have an idea for a book or a song. Whatever it is that you’d like to do, sometimes taking the first step is the hardest especially when you are aware that time is not on your side.

            But don’t give up hope. I am living proof that it’s never too late to take on a dream or even to reinvent your dreams!
            Right now I call myself an author, but that’s not how it always was. I wrote for years before I saw the fruits of my works published. I started writing in the 1980’s, got a few rejections, thought I was being silly to think I could get published, and put the dream of publication back in the far corner of my life—but I never stopped writing. If you’re a writer, you write. It’s that simple. I wrote, played around with stories, and one day I realized I had quite a few manuscripts in different stages of completion. One day, I told myself, I’ll do something with all of them.
           That day came earlier than I anticipated. Before I was ready, I had to take a medical retirement from teaching. Boredom immediately set in. One day I pulled out those boxes of old manuscripts (I didn’t own a computer then) and the writing bug bit me once again. I joined an RWA chapter, attended as many conferences and workshops as possible, and I eventually had my dream come true.  It was one day before my 58th birthday that I received The Call.

Fifty-eight years old might seem ancient to those who are younger, but I think age depends on attitude. If you’re young enough to dream a dream, then you’re young enough to try to discover it. If you’re willing to do the work learning how something is done, then the world is open to you.
            I will have my seventh book published at the end of next month, and when it comes out I will smile and pat myself on the back because I didn’t lie down and quit when I had to find a new life. I’m enjoying my time in the publishing world, just as you can enjoy your time doing whatever it is you might want to do.

Even if you're not a "spring chicken," your dream can still come true because it's never too late to start fresh.

Fran McNabb taught high school English until she had to take an early medical retirement. Now she spends her time writing, reading, and enjoying the time she and her husband spend on the water. Her seventh book, SAVING THE CHILDREN, will be released on April 29. Visit her at  or at


  1. Well said, Fran. Actually, 58 seems quite young to me.

    1. Thanks, Sandy. I, too, think 58 is young, especially almost 10 years later!!

  2. An inspirational post, Fran. It's sad when people think they're to old to pursue a dream. Congratulations on book #7.

    1. Yes, I hate to see people think that life has passed them by. Sometimes I think I can do things that I really am too old to do, but I still can try.

  3. You're a true inspiration, Fran. Good for you! No one should ever give up on a dream.

    1. Gina, yes, dreams are important to keep everyone focused on living and growing. Thanks for dropping in.

  4. You are so right it is never too late. It is all attitude. Whether you say you can or you can't, you are right

    1. Yes, attitude is the key. It took a while for me to get over the self pity, but when I did, I realized I had to find that right attitude.

  5. Hi Fran--
    You're positive attitude is amazing. I am so pleased you followed your dream because I LOVE reading your books! Keep writing : -)
