
Monday, May 4, 2015


Have you ever wondered if anyone notices?  If what you do or have done in your life affects anyone or anything in a positiver way, and whether or not it matters?

Every now and then, I have.  Not that I ever thought I would impact anyone or anything in a manner that would change the world, but in those quiet times, in the middle of the night, right before sleep, I have to admit, I have wondered.

Last week, I found a few answers.

First, my email account was hacked.  Annoying for sure, but in the midst of that mess, I found some light in the form of the number of people who called to tell me, or called to toss a little humor in the mix with "of all the places in the world, why would you vacation in Manilla?"   Some of the callers were those I haven't spoken to in months, or only dealt with on occasion, but they all took the time to contact me.  So the hacking turned in a lesson, getting me to realize that, in a small way, I mattered enough for some people to call and make sure I was all right. Awesome!

You all know by now that doofus me broke my wrist.  You heard of distracted driving, well I was distracted walking.  I was a block from the office thinking about what I had to do when I got back to work.  Believe me, a trip to the emergency room and a full arm cast was not any where on my list.

But in the midst of the pain and the doctors was another light.  So many people took the time to call, visit, or leave me a note on my desk just asking how I felt
or letting me know they were thinking of me.  A stranger walking by me on the street said "May the Lord help you in your recovery."  I have to say that comment made me teary.  Imagine, someone you never met and don't know blessing you that way.  Double Awesome!

Then, of all things, the Lord did bless me with the relaization that I do touch people's lives just by doing what I do everyday. People notice. People care.  Somehow, through all my missteps, mistakes, and oopses, I get it right sometime. I may never invent a new molecule to make the world a better place, or find a cure for some disease, but in some small way, I have done enough to be a friend to a few people.  Triple Awesome!

So to all of you reading this, I want you to know you matter to me.  I love reading your blog posts, making comments, sharing ideas and stories, and I love hearing about all your successes. 

So c'mon, join cyber hands with me.  Yay us!  We are awesome!

Kathye Quick is a temporarily one-armed, part-time cheerleader (LOL) who is awaiting the release date for the first book in her contemporary series, Bachelors Three, coming out through The Wild Rose Press.  The book, has been called a techno-Beauty and the Beast tale that will
make you both smile and sigh.


  1. Kathye, I loved your post. I hope your wrist is healing nicely by now, and, yes, I think all of us wonder if we make even a tiny impression on people. Your entry today reminds us that we do. Good luck with your book with The Wild Rose Press. I just had one put out by them last week. Looking forward to seeing yours.

  2. Take care of yourself. No more walking and multi-task thinking. :)

    1. Thanks Sofie. From now on I'm a linear thinker like the Hub- LOL
