
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Look What I Found on YouTube!

by Victoria M. Johnson

Have you ever wanted to hear bestselling author James Patterson's secrets to writing success?  How about hearing inspiring tips from Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Díaz?  Perhaps you wished you could pick Stephen King's brain for writing advice.  I have seen and heard these experts, and many others, speak from the heart.  They open up and give a peek into their writing lives, share their writing knowledge, and offer thought-provoking insights.  I found them on YouTube.

Don't worry.  I'm not sending you on a wild hunt.  I've already created my own YouTube Channel and the Playlist where all these videos are located is titled: WritersAdvice & Inspiration.

Here is my favorite one. In just under four minutes Junot Díaz, who is also an editor at Boston Review and a creative writing professor, provides many gems of wisdom.  He's quite inspiring.

Prolific author James Patterson shares what's he's learned about writing bestsellers.  Get out your notebook and a pen for this six minute video.

Another example is this five-and-a-half minute video of novelist, short story writer, and poet Joyce Carol Oates talking about creating characters.

So far there are ten videos in this playlist, including Amy Tan, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, and Nora Roberts.

One of my other playlists is titled: LikedVideos
Here I have the videos of authors like J.K Rowling and Ken Follett, and poet Joy Harjo, among others.

If you'd like to check out my Channel, here is the link to that: FilmsByVictoria
My channel has seven playlists and includes my short films and other things.

In case I confused you, here's a wrap up of the links:

Writers Advice & Inspiration

Liked Videos

My YouTube Channel:

I love YouTube.  There are so many videos to learn from and be inspired by.  Do you have any favorite videos?  Do you have a channel?  Let us know in the comments below.

Victoria M. Johnson knew by the time she was ten that she wanted to be a writer.  She loves telling stories and she's happiest when creating new characters and new plots.  Avalon Books and Montlake Romance published Victoria's fiction debut, The Doctor’s Dilemma, (A 2012 Bookseller’s Best double finalist).  Her other fiction book is a collection of romance short stories titled, The Substitute Bride and a novella, Hot Hawaiian Christmas. She is also the writer and director of four short films and two micro documentaries.   Visit Victoria's website at for inspiration and tips and find her Amazonauthor page or connect with her on Pinterest and Twitter.


  1. Let me be the first to say...this is great, Victoria. I've been considering creating my own YouTube channel, so this has come at a good time. And inspirational as well.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Leigh--
      Great you found inspiration in the post. YouTube can be great for authors... let me know if you do create a channel.

  2. Great idea, Victoria. I've subscribed to your channel so I can hop on over for some inspiration whenever I feel the need.

    1. Hi Cheryl--
      Thank you. I looked on your website for your YouTube Channel and I didn't see a link to it. Would like to reciprocate and subscribe to yours.

  3. What a wealth of information (and inspiration) Victoria. Thanks for gathering it for us. I'm afraid I'm behind on the YouTube curb. Will have to catch up.

    1. Hi Sandy--
      YW! You don't have to create a channel to view the videos. Just enjoy the videos of others until you feel ready.

  4. Hi Victoria
    These are great! Thanks so much for sharing them.

    1. Hi Deborah--
      Great you enjoyed them. Thank you for stopping by.
