
Friday, March 16, 2018

Dogs and Cats

I've had dogs since I was young, and my husband and I have always had big dogs. When we adopted Sable in 2003, I got involved in our local animal shelter and served on the board. I learned a lot about the plights of dogs and cats and other animals who need homes. When Sable died in April (at age 14 1/2) we missed her a lot. People said to us, since your kids are grown, why get another dog? But we couldn't imagine living without a dog. So in September, after our vacation, we adopted a hound-mix and named him Rawhide (after the old TV show). He's rambunctious but also very sweet! Many of my traditional romances have included dogs. But I am aware of how many cats need homes so I thought I would include a cat in my newest traditional romance, "Setting the Stage for Love." Tiger plays an important part in this story!


  1. Roni, I agree that pets add something to a family that can't be replaced. Rawhide (I assume that's him in the picture) looks like a love. Like the cover for your new book too. Good luck with it.

    1. Thanks Sandy! yes, that's Rawhide. the shelter called him Hyde so we changed it to the name of a favorite wetsrn show. He's mischievous but sweet!

  2. Roni, I know your home is enriched by the presence of your pets. We've always had a cat or a dog or both, but with the death of my last cat, we are pet free. His death really hurt. Enjoy your little four-legged family. Their love is wonderful in return. And, thanks for helping with the shelter.

  3. We're cat and dog people but because right now we travel a lot, we're putting off getting a dog. Unfortunately, more than cats, they tie you down. I envy you for being able to get one and hope that in the near future we can too. Meantime, we have Theresa, our 13 year old rescue Calico cat who certainly puts her own peculiar stamp on our lives.
