
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I would like to thank the authors at Classic & Cozy for inviting me back. I’ve followed the posts for years, staying quietly in the background.

When the group was formed, I was one of the original members with my Wally Morris mystery series. The books take place in Grosvenor, a thinly disguised town in New Jersey similar to my hometown of South Orange. Wally is in her early fifties, having failed to age as I did. She is a nursery school teacher and amateur sleuth.

Recently, I wrote a book called Hope’s Daughter, which was published by The Wild Rose Press. It is, to my surprise, not a mystery, but a historical romance set around World War II. Jane is a strong character determined to make her way in a man’s world. She is fiercely loyal to her family and her heart is huge, but not invulnerable to breaking.

Most people who know me are aware that I am very involved with raising Seeing Eye® dogs. That is so important to me that I put pictures of all the dogs I’ve raised with my family onto my no-frills website. Some people have bells and whistles, music and videos, but I have Puppies! Fifteen of them, plus one cat.

Many people also know that I have worked for man years as a technical processor in the children’s room of a local library. I get to read all ­the new books. Who could ask for more?


  1. Joani, welcome back to Classic and Cozy. Your work with seeing eye dogs is admirable, and I'd love to hear more about that. Maybe you could use it as the subject for one of your posts. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  2. Thanks so much. Yes, I will definitely write about raising puppies sometime soon.

  3. Hi Joani--
    Great to have you back. We'd love to see pics/stories of your puppies here on Classic & Cozy :-)

  4. I'm glad you're going to be posting again, Joani, and look forward to hearing about the puppies and seeing some of their pictures.

  5. Welcome back! Glad to hear from you again!
