
Sunday, September 1, 2019

A Trip Outside Your Writing Zone

by Victoria M. Johnson

I just returned from a brief trip to Europe and it was my first time in a really long time I wrote anything away from my desk.  I had forgotten how wonderful it is to write in a completely new place or to revisit a favorite writing spot. 

For me, just stepping into a new writing environment adds a dose of freshness to my thoughts and perspective.  It's kind of exciting.  My sense of observation kicks into high gear and well the other senses do, too.  Whether I'm working on an existing project or something new, I believe the writing benefits. 
Photo by Bonnie Kittle

I have vowed to not let so much time go by without giving myself a change of writing scenery.

Have you tried writing outside of your usual writing zone?  Do you have a favorite spot outside of your "office" to write?  If so, please share in the comments below.  If not, give it a try.  The new location doesn't have to be far from home or extravagant, it only needs to be different than your regular place.  It can even be another room of your house—or literally outside, in your backyard or balcony.   Maybe this is the type of change-up you need once in a while, too.

Victoria M. Johnson knew by the time she was ten that she wanted to be a writer.  She loves telling stories and she's happiest when creating new characters and new plots.  Avalon Books and Montlake Romance published Victoria's fiction debut, The Doctor’s Dilemma.  Her other fiction book is a collection of romance short stories titled, The Substitute Bride and a novella, Hot Hawaiian Christmas. She is also the writer and director of four short films and two micro documentaries.   Visit Victoria's website at for inspiration and tips and find her Amazon author page or connect with her on Pinterest and Twitter.


  1. What a fun topic, Victoria! I met up with some writer buddies a couple of years ago and (it sounds counter-intuitive) but we each had a room to ourselves at this wonderful property. We came together at lunch and dinner, but otherwise, shut ourselves away all day. Those short sprints were amazing. And when I thought my brain had nothing left to offer, we walked around the property, saw some amazing nature and it inspired more writing. I finished a novella that weekend.

    1. Hi Sofie--
      Wow! It sounds like getting away to a new locale worked wonderfully for you! I hope you and your buddies are planning your next writing getaway :-)

  2. Good idea. My get-away-from-my-desk is the swing on my back porch. I scribble in a notebook while a I rock back and forth. Writing not always legible, but it does give me fresh ideas.

  3. Love your post and agree, writing in a new and different place can get the creative juices flowing. Sometimes I write on the train and when I go back to edit, I always remember those chapters and how much more easily the writing flowed. I think being trapped on the train with no distractions except the view out the window helps me to concentrate.
