
Monday, October 6, 2014

Back to Basics

It amazes me sometimes how the small things bring the greatest joy. But these little joys are easily overlooked in this fast paced world in which we live. Fortunately, every now and again, we are reminded by these little things that we need to stop and smell the roses before they fade away forever.

I was lucky enough to get one of these reminders last week after shopping for groceries.  I was taking my haul back to the car, fretting about how many other things I still had to do that day, when I saw an older gentleman, I'd guess he was in his 70's, get out of his car, walk around to the passenger side and open the door for his lady inside.  He held out his hand, and she took it, sliding out of the seat and into his smile.  One might think that would be all, but from that minute on, they continued to hold hands as they walked to the store.

I watched them until they disappeared inside the department store and realized I was tearing up.  They reminded me so much of my mom and dad who also held hands all the time.  I imagine they are still holding hands in heaven as they walk among the clouds.

I tried to remember the last time I saw anyone hold hands, but couldn't.  My husband and I do when we are out. I caught that from mom and dad.  But I can't say I have seen many other couples enjoy a little PDA every now and then. Even my sons and their significant others seem to walk apart when we are all out. I started to wonder why, or should I say why not let the world see a little Public Display of Affection between two people who know what forever really looks like.

A touch is wonderful .  Now I don't mean the groping, pawing, and hand down one's blouse touches of passion.  I mean the hand holding, brushing the hair from one's forehead, and the hand on the small of your back that tells you "I'm here with you and always will be, and I don't care who sees me let you know that I love you." I think we've lost that somewhere along the way, and it makes me sad.

For me, love isn't the great big diamond on my left hand, or roses on Valentine's Day or the dinner on our anniversary.  For me love is the hand holding when we walk down the street, warming up the car for me when it is ten degrees outside before he leaves for work, or bringing me home a chocolate covered donut on a Wednesday night because he saw a Dunkin Donuts and thought I might like it.  It's the little things that really show a person's true heart; not the giant gestures on birthdays or holidays.  We all know those are coming. Surprise me by writing me a note on the chalkboard or sending me a thinking-of-you text at lunch. 

I challenge you all.  Look around.  You'll see these little acts of love in your life too.  Recognize them, embrace them.  Next time you are out with the Hub, grab his hand and walk into the restaurant or the movie theater or the grocery store together, telling everyone who sees you guys "we're together and always will be."

Happy Hand Holding!!!


  1. Aw, Kathye, you made me tear up. My favorite Valentine from my husband is one from just a couple of years that said "Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend." We'd already been married for multiple decades. There's nothing better than being married to your best friend. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Love is when hubby washes the dishes, or brings me a dish of ice cream. We hold hands, too. Nice post.

  3. Hi Kathye--
    What a nice reminder to appreciate the small everyday acts of love from our spouses. My hubby is a keeper and shows the love in small ways quite frequently but he's never brought me home a chocolate donut! Your hubby is definitely a keeper :-)

    1. It is easy to write romance when you have guys like ours

  4. I wonder which came first? The chicken or the egg? Was it because of our belief in the happily-ever-after and that we saw the potential for that in our current spouses? Great post. Make me want to go for a stroll with someone I love. :)

  5. How beautiful. I do miss the touching and hand-holding. Sometimes I still think I feel, years after he's gone, the gossamer touch of his mind upon mine. May you and DH have many more such years of love.

    1. You were so blessed to have had that with Ed. I get that touch you think you feel is really him telling you he is watching over you

  6. Kathye, what a touching post. Yes, it's truly the little things that count the most.

    1. Thanks Sydell. Sometimes we need those little things most
