
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

We've Got That Covered

by Jean C. Gordon

I've found that readers often think we authors have more control over our books' covers than we do. That's not to say we don't have input. I fill out screens of art sheets to help the art department create my covers. I have to describe all of my characters, scenes I think might make a good cover, notable landmarks in my story and I'm encouraged to send pictures of how I see my hero and heroine.

I thought it would be fun to show you the the pictures I sent for a couple of my books and the book covers. What do you think?

Midwife Autumn Hazard and Dr. Jonathan Hanlon from Small-Town Midwife 

Neal Hazard from Small-Town Dad 

This one is Jared Donnelly from Winning the Teacher's Heart, the first book in my new Love Inspired Romance series, The Donnelly Brothers. It's due out in May 2015. Can't wait to see the cover.


  1. I think the cover artist nailed it. The covers looked great. Best of luck for grat sales

  2. You did a great job conveying how you want your characters to look - and the cover artist obviously listened to you. Beautiful covers. Good luck with the books.

  3. Great covers! And everyone looks impressively like the pictures.

  4. I've been pleased with nearly all my covers. The only one, not so much, is my Avalon LOVE UNDERCOVER.
